”Oustanding day, incredible guide! I could have listend to Tom for hours and hours…..what an incredible city! The boys, my wife and I loved it from beginning to end!”
Linette 12
Linette 12

“Simply fabulous! I don’t think I have every learnt this much about anything in only four hours! Ben, our guide was absolutely amazing and so cute!”

“My family and I (mom, dad, 3 kids: 8,11,13) loved this driving tour! You maximize your time, hop in and out and you get to see so much of London in only four hours! This is how one needs to do it! Time flew by and we were all sad when the tour was over!”

“Beautiful! Simply beautiful! I had so much fun! Maite, our guide was sooo nice!”

“What a fabulous tour. We saw the beach front, art, culture had lots of fun and laughter all day! I promised my parents one day I will move to Barcelona to become a guide! “
Kenny, 9
Kenny, 9

“I love the stadium, Gaudi must have been a crazy genius! I love all the colour and shapes and imagination he put into his work!”